Umpiring Fastpitch Softball

A Deep Dive into Fastpitch Softball Officiating

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Episode 41 - NFHS Three Umpire System Overview pt 1


In this episode, we begin to talk through the NFHS Mechanics for the Three Umpire System.

In this episode, we take a listener suggestion and begin our overview of the NFHS Three Umpire System. Using Part 8 of the new 2024 and 2025 NFHS Softball Umpires Manual and David's experiences with playoff softball, we talk through U1 and U3's responsibilities in this system.

We cover The Basics, Guides, Starting Positions, Rotation, and Fly Ball Coverage Responsibilities. This episode spans most of U1's and U3's responsibilities from Part 8 through Part 8.8 of the manual. Next week, we'll tackle the Plate Umpire and some tips and tricks to help get this all down.

We also published a table for Leaving Too Soon and Tag-Up Responsibilities in the comments for this episode that was too complicated to read on air.

If you want to weigh in with your opinions, you can email us at, leave a comment at, or comment on this episode on Facebook - just search for Umpiring Fastpitch Softball.

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 36 MB - Duration: 25:22m (192 kbps 44100 Hz)

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